Who we are

We are a civil society organization (CSO) established in Brussels in 2015 and registered as a nonprofit.


What we do

We focus on how to unlock the power of the cooperative Internet for a more human-centric digital future.


Why we do what we do

Data ownership is fueling the next tech megacycle and data cooperatives are steering it

As the digital landscape evolves, the focus shifts from data privacy to data ownership, underscoring the need for trust in a technologically safe environment. Embracing a 'back to basics' approach, we are redirecting our focus from tech-centric solutions to place humans at the forefront of technology. Data cooperatives are at the heart of this transformation. They offer an innovative approach to data management challenges, prioritizing democratic governance and shifting the paradigms of data management, ownership, and utilization. With their multi-stakeholder governance, pre-competitive data sharing spaces, and ability to generate insights and foresight capabilities, data cooperatives are establishing frameworks for digitally federated and sovereign architectures.

Their fiduciary commitment to members uniquely positions them to bridge the trust gap in decision-making processes. Recognizing that AI is fueled by data created by everyone, data cooperatives also emerge as new revenue avenues for online communities, democratizing the economic benefits of the digital era.


Meet with us

You are welcome to meet with us at these various events.