Forthcoming: Data cooperatives, Small Worlds, and Social Portfolios Synergy: A Human Centric Response to the Trilemma of Decentralization, Scalability and Trust

Abstract As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the centralized consolidation of trust and accountability in both traditional institutions and contemporary digital platforms has brought forth pressing concerns regarding data privacy, ownership, and the gradual erosion of individual autonomy. In response, decentralized governance models, particularly data cooperatives, have risen as a compelling alternative, advocating for a more human-centric approach in the realm of digital data management. This paper delves into the prospects of decentralizing trust and accountability, viewing through the prism of data cooperatives. It examines their strengths and potential drawbacks within the 'Small Worlds' framework context, positing them as vital components in the overarching structure of digital governance. The paper introduces 'Social Portfolios' as an innovative mechanism designed to strike a balance between human interaction and technological progression, thereby enabling individuals to cultivate and reinforce trust and accountability within decentralized community networks.

The Rise of Collaborative Networks

This paper examines the potential of collaborative networks as a novel form of social organization that may be better suited to addressing the challenges of the 21st century. We argue that traditional hierarchical institutions and competitive markets may be insufficient to handle complexity and unpredictability sustainably. By offering counterexamples from Web2 and Web3 to support our claim, we investigate digital platforms and delve into the fundamental principles and processes that underlie collaborative networks, with the aim of shedding light on their unique features and potential benefits.